Terms of Service (AGB)

1.  Conclusion of the travel contract

Your registration (online, in writing, orally, orally) is a binding offer for the conclusion of a travel contract, including the terms of payment mentioned in 2. above. You also book for all participants listed in the registration. The registration becomes binding if we have confirmed your booking in writing.

2.  Payment

Upon receipt of the written booking confirmation, please pay as follows:

A) the rental price within 3 working days

B) other forms of payment by arrangement

3.  Services

The information on the homepage of the lessor is binding for the scope of the contractual services. Subsequent agreements require the written confirmation by the landlord. The prices include VAT.

4. Travel cancellation by the guest

The accommodation contract can be terminated at any time by the guest. In this case, however, he is obliged to pay a lump sum of the following compensation:

· Up to 8 weeks before rental: 10% of the rental price

· Up to 30 days before the start of the rental: 20% of the rental price

· 29th – 22st day before rental: 30% of rental price

· 21st – 15th day prior to rental: 40% of the rental price

· 14.- 11.Day before start of rental: 50% of the rental price

· From the 10th day before the beginning of the rental period the full rental price is due

5.  Rebooking

For a possible rebooking of an already confirmed rental we charge 15,00 € rebooking fee.

6.  Cancellation of the contract due to extraordinary circumstances

If the trip is severely impaired or impaired as a result of force majeure, both the customer and the lessor may terminate the contract. In the case of cancellation after the start of the event, we will only partially or not calculate the unused program items as a result of force majeure.

7.  data protection

The customer agrees to the storage of his data on the order form.

The landlord explicitly reminds the customer that data protection for data transmission into public networks such as the Internet can not be fully guaranteed according to the current state of the art. Also other participants on the Internet are u.U. Technically able to intervene unauthorizedly in the network security and to control the news traffic.
The landlord is therefore not responsible for the security of the data transmitted by him on the Internet and expressly excludes any liability in this regard.

The landlord expressly asserts that no personal data is passed on to third parties. Excluded from this are law enforcement agencies, if the landlord is obliged by law to do so.


8.  General information

We reserve the right to correct printing and calculation errors.

We wish you a pleasant journey and a pleasant stay.
We are at your disposal for any questions and further information.